trillium seven Counties
Key Team Members
April Cline -
Jasmine Jones - System of Care Clinician
- Chief-District 11
Randy Jones - Chief-District 16
Gayle Alston - Chief-District 19
- Chief-District 20
Tammy Hernandez - Pinnacle Family Service
Catherine Spainhour & LaTonia Pierce - Triad Therapy Mental Health Center
Maria Cook - Amethyst Consulting Treatment Solutions
Crystal Morrison - Trinity Services
Christopher Knotts & Leigh Wagner - Daymark Recovery Services
Shirlyn Smith - NC Families United Family Advocate
Aja Foye - VC & Associates
Jewel McNeill - Just Deal With It
Affiliated Counties: Anson, Harnett, Hoke, Lee, Montgomery, Moore, Randolph, Richmond
Screening Process: All Districts use the GAIN-SS and the Risks and Needs Assessment for screening of youth. Youth are referred for evaluations by court counselors based on screening indicators that reflect a need for assessment and possible treatment service. If a youth comes to the attention of DJJDP already in services with a treatment provider, the DJJ Court Counselor reviews current services with provider and family to determine if the current level of care is meeting client needs. If youth is not connected to another treatment service, a referral is made to Daymark Recovery. A referral form and consent form are sent to the Daymark single portal contact.
Assessment Process: If a youth does not have a clinical home then he/she is referred to one of the JJSAMHP providers where they will be administered the GAIN, the CBCL, OR THE BASC-2. The youth is then given a comprehensive clinical assessment and may get a psychiatric assessment if indicated. Treatment recommendations are based on assessement results. The guardian has the option to receive service from the provider performing the assessment or be referred to any provider in the MCO network. If the youth is already involved with another treatment provider than a JJSAMHP provider, these providers base treatment recommendations on the outcome of a comprehensive clinical assessment they perform. The goal of the JJSAMHP management team is to promote the use of evidenced based assessment by all providers of services to DJJ involved youth.
Treatment Process: Treatment services are determined through a comprehensive clinical assessment and must meet medical necessity as determined by the assessor and MCO. The treating provider serves as the clinical home for the referred youth. The clinical home is responsible for coordination and facilitation of Child and Family Team (CFT) meetings. Children receiving enhanced or residential services have monthly CFT meetings. Decisions about treatment are made in collaboration with the family. Family Advocates are available if needed by the family.
Visit Their Website: Sandhills Center